Still waiting…

My publisher has still not taken the time to respond to me. I’m really upset and frustrated – does this kind of thing happen to everybody, or is it just me?

I’m not sure what to do next. I’m not a member of the Society of Authors (couldn’t afford the £64 fee – I know that sounds like nothing to some people, but when you’re not able to work, it’s a heck of a lot) so can’t ask them. As you know, I don’t have an agent, so have no-one to step in on my behalf. Do I just resign myself to the fact that I was lucky enough to get a book published, and leave it at that?

This is an example of how little I actually know about the book world: I got an email with regard to Public Lending Rights this morning (from a rather more successful author). Until this morning, I didn’t know that you could register yourself and get some kind of payment when people borrow your book from a library. Why don’t people tell you this kind of thing? Perhaps I missed out on the ‘New Author Induction Pack’ and that’s why I seem to know so little…