Pride comes before a fall…

Yesterday, I found a fabulous review of Karma on a book forum I look at. It actually brought a tear to my eye and, for the first time, I felt really proud of myself. I admit that I read the review about five times before it sank in that someone I didn’t know had genuinely enjoyed my book, and understood the characters’ strengths and weaknesses. That was short-lived however, as I’ve been warned that my book has been reviewed on Trashionista, and that there are some negative remarks. Truthfully, I’ve been expecting this as I’ve felt like a fraud for a while, so it was only a matter of time before someone found me out! Real writers use long words, and understand the finer points of the English Language: they don’t just knock up a book in two months!

So please look at their website and read their honest opinion. I haven’t seen it yet, but appreciate the fact that they have not sugar-coated any failings – how can anyone be angry with constructive critisicism? After all, I’m only a beginner, and I’ll never learn a thing if people just tell me what they think I want to hear. I’m just grateful that they’ve taken the time to read a book by a newcomer. Will post an update when it appears on their site (and K, I’ll certainly not think any less of you…I look at it as a good excuse to comfort myself with chocolate Laughing )