Month: August 2008


Apologies for being so quiet lately. Between a cold and the new puppy, I haven’t had much sleep so bogging is way down on the priority list. The pup is still loaded with cold, and is keeping us awake almost all night. During the day, she is full of mischief and I don’t know how… Read more »

Absolutely FURIOUS!

I KNOW I shouldn’t post when I’m angry, but I need an outlet for my emotions. I finally got my royalty statement for my sales-to-date and it says that I sold NO books when it came out. I know all you readers know this is untrue, and my first ever royalty statement proves otherwise. I… Read more »


I’ve been terrible at posting lately, as life has taken over from leisure acitivities such as blogging. I’ve been caught up in a whirlwind of DIY, tidying and making-do, in anticipation of a survey on my house (I’ve hated having to sit and watch others work, while I’ve had no energy to join in…although even… Read more »