Drive Me Crazy

I keep promising myself that I’ll keep up this blog (as it’s the only writing I currently seem capable of, yet….)

So, the driving is going OK. I’m still anxious. I’m still terrified of many aspects of learning but I’m doing it. I think I’m more scared of the other road users than the actual driving! There are some idiots out there (not including myself, of course). 

And the dental treatment continues. I went for a sedation appointment last week and I was sure I was going to say something crazy, as my sister kindly filled my head with terrible things – I’ll not tell you what one of her friends told the dentist but it made me blush just hearing it. Now, I don’t remember much, but I have a feeling that I sang. If I did, I’m surprised they didn’t strike me off their books instantly, as I don’t sing well. I felt quite relieved when I got home until I saw the letter for the next step: dental hospital. Urgh.

It must feel lovely knowing you can smile and not have people make mean comments – I’ve been teased my whole life. There are no photos on the back of my books for good reason and face masks have definitely been my friends over the past few years (still are). I’m hoping I’m not a lost cause.

As for the alleged writing, I’m considering joining NaNoWriMo this November, just to get the book finished. It’s been stuck at half way for too long. I’m waiting to hear about a competition I entered a while back – I think it was out of my league but I’ll find out for definite on Thursday. A cash prize would be very welcome!

Oh, and I turned 48 yesterday. Spent it with a friend, nature and some seaside chippy chips. Returned to cheesecake and dog cuddles. Not too shabby, as birthdays go!