Library event looms…

As you know, I thoroughly enjoyed being a featured author on a couple of book-related sites on the internet. I was able to sit, at my laptop (usually in my pyjamas), and answer the questions that were thrown at me, in my own time (writing and re-writing the answers until I was happy with them). Tomorrow, I’m doing it without the safety ‘net (ie the internet), as I am visiting my local library’s book club, where I will mingle with real people rather than virtual ones and I will be expected to answer their questions without the aid of a ‘delete’ button.

Nervous? Yep – for several reasons:

I don’t know what to wear (none of the fashion mags have done a feature on what authors are wearing these days, and I can’t get away with PJs).
I feel uncomfortable being ‘centre of attention’.
Sometimes, I can’t string a sentence together, particularly when tired…or nervous!

Still, like everything else, it’ll be an experience. I’m sure the group will be a friendly bunch and I hope they’ll be gentle with me.

That’s all from me, for now, except to say that you can read my thoughts on Rod Glenn’s Sinema by clicking on the link to your right and clicking on ‘Reviews’. I’ll let you know how the library event goes.