Not Miss World…

…but maybe Miss Understood? Or rather, misunderstood.

I seem to have a problem being taken seriously, for some reason. I speak honestly and am accused of being cynical. Are people so unused to being spoken to directly, that they misconstrue things?

As you know, my computer = my social connection, and I read (and participate in) a number of book-related forums. I enjoy hearing about underdogs becoming a success, as it gives me hope. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of commenting on one such story and was accused (too strong a word, but I’m too tired to think of an alternative) of using the topic to promote myself and of making sarcastic remarks. My crime? Responding to a post about an up-and-coming author and saying that I admired her efforts, and saying that she was fortunate to have so many people willing to champion her work. As for self-promotion? My signature contains my web address, etc.

I get so frustrated when people who don’t know me make assumptions! Glad I’ve got that out of my system. Now I await the poor review of my own book in response to the reply I have just posted. Actually, that’s unfair to suggest that someone would do such a thing – let’s put it down to having the alarm go off at an unearthly hour this morning, so hubby could catch a flight to London…