Post-Christmas blues…

Is it just me, or does anyone else get a bit sad after Christmas is over? I think I just get myself so geared up for Christmas Day/Boxing Day that afterwards, it’s like there’s nothing to look forward to until next Christmas! We don’t really celebrate New Year (although we just about manage to stay awake to see it in), and when the decorations come down, everything looks so bare. I can almost (well, almost almost) understand those people who keep their decs up all year. When I filled in my new Filofax insert for 2009, I see that there are lots of notable dates, but no events to go with them ie big birthdays but no parties, etc.

I’m hoping to hear from my web designer in the New Year, and I may redevelop the site – either that or it will disappear completely!!! For all I know, only one person reads this site…or no-one does, and I’m doing the internet equivalent of talking to myself!

Off to spend some time, curled up on the sofa, with my doggy-girls. They’re all flat out at the moment, and I think I’ll be joining them soon!