Tag: Non book-related

Who Do You Think You Are?

I’ve been looking into my family tree for a couple of years now, and love to watch the TV programme, ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ What relevance is this to a Blog about books? Well, it’s been rumoured within my family that we are related to Wordsworth – I have my doubts, but did… Read more »

London: Day Three (Homeward Bound)

Oh-so-tired and nothing but a buffet breakfast was going to lure me from my bed. Usually like to get up and chill (or warm?) in the jacuzzi but on Sunday there was a rather…amorous…young couple in there. She sat on his knee, kissing and carressing him, whilst sitting beside a young boy and his dad…. Read more »

London: Day Two (B)

So, a day later than expected and still nothing to do with books (normal service will be resumed shortly), here’s more about my London trip. Given my tendency to exhaustion, anxiety and subsequently, panic, I try to organise everything well. Knowing I knew London like the back of someone else’s hand, I decided my best… Read more »

London: Day Two (A)

Slept like a baby: woke up several times during the night. After a full english breakfast, we had a saunter to St Katharine’s Dock, where I’d noticed a Starbucks yesterday. My caffeine levels replenished, we had a slow walk across Tower Bridge in the sunshine, and made our way to the London Dungeon. To be… Read more »

London: Day One

Managed to get lost within 20 minutes of getting to London. Wandered Aldgate and then Whitechapel for some time, before taking refuge in a Burger King (the only royalty that I was interested in visiting). Everyone we asked gave opposite directions, so we gave up and got a taxi. Turns out we were just minutes… Read more »

5* London on a 0* budget…

The travel nerves are setting in, now they are no longer numbed by the prospect of seeing James Martin. I don’t do travelling, as I’m always worried I’ll be ill and let people down. I only travel if it’s to see/do something I’ll never see in my own region ie I went to Manchester to… Read more »

ME North East

I wasn’t intending to post today, and this isn’t book-related, but I read something rather sad this afternoon: ME North East, which has helped many sufferers of ME/CFS and related conditions in the North East, is having a funding crisis. This makes me sad and a bit cross, as this condition is so misunderstood that… Read more »


The ‘comedy night’ I went to was a joke (pardon the pun). I really felt for the compere and comedian(s), as the venue is not conducive to any act which requires the attention of the audience – it is one huge bar, with various sections of seating. The ‘stage’ was located at one end of… Read more »

Cool site!

This is not book-related in the slightest, but I thought you might enjoy it. If you have a photo of yourself lurking on your hard-drive, take a look at the face recognition stuff on this site and compare yourself to a celebrity. I was quite flattered to see who I matched with (but I don’t… Read more »

This is what I need!

If I was famous, I would use this company: click on ‘Portfolio’ when the website opens. Wow! I wonder what they could do for me.